Grab A Band and Go Workout
Category: On The Go Workouts
- Front Squat -Stand on band with feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Holding a handle (or the band) in each hand, bring the top of the band over each shoulder. Sit straight down, chest up, abs firm, pressing knees out over your toes. Rise back up to start position. Perform for 20 reps.

- Bent Over Row -Stand over the center of the band with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend slightly at the knees and hinge at the waist, keeping your hips back. Grasp each handle and with elbows bent, pull both handles up towards your rib cage and beyond as high as you can. Squeeze between shoulders. Perform for 20 reps.
- Glute Bridge - Put the band around your legs right above your knees. Lie on your back with your feet on the floor, bending your knees to 90 degrees. Rise up with your hips until your shoulders, hips and knees align, contracting your glutes through the entire movement. Perform for 20 reps.
- Chest Press - Anchor the tube band on a cable column or sturdy support at chest height. Grab each handle with your back to the band. Step forward to reduce slack, positioning your hands at chest height. With elbows up and palms facing down, press the band straight out in front of you until your arms reach full extension, and squeeze those chest muscles. Perform for 20 reps.
- Crab Walk Step into a band and place just above both ankles. Place feet shoulder-width apart to create tension on the band. From a half-squat position, shift your weight to the left side, stepping sideways with the right leg. Move the standing leg slightly in,but keep the band taut. Perform for 20 reps.
- Side Lateral Raise Stand with feet positioned over the center of a tube band, shoulder-width apart. Grip each handle with arms down at your side and palms facing in. Bending your elbows slightly, raise your arms straight out to the side to shoulder-level. Slowly lower back down. Perform for 20 reps.
- Kneeling Crunch- Attach the band to a high anchor. Kneel down and grab each side of the band. Extend the elbows out at shoulder-level, engage your abdominals, and crunch down toward your hips while contracting your abs. Perform for 20 reps.
- Reverse Crunch Now flip it and reverse it. Anchor the band on a low support. Lie on your back, bending knees 90 degrees. Wrap band around the tops of both feet and scoot back to create tension. Abs tight and back flat, pull your knees toward your shoulders, contracting your abdominal muscles. Perform for 20 reps.